Wrestling Changes Lives®

Jake Herbert is an Olympian, actor, entrepreneur, philanthropist, and ninja who has his sights set on becoming America’s youth coach.  Wrestling earned him a full athletic scholarship to Northwestern University, has taken him to over 30 different countries, where he has met rock stars, celebrities, billionaires and presidents.  He is the co-founder of Base Wrestling and Double Leg Ninja.  Jake plans to achieve his goal of creating 50,000 Ninjas by 2020 by supporting, teaching, and educating coaches, kids and parents about the importance of instilling physical literacy into the youth of America.  Jake never lets a day go by without learning something new.

2012 U.S. Olympian and World Silver Medalist

Base Wrestling:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/base_wrestling

Double Leg Ninja:

Personal website: JakeHerbert.com 
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JakeHerbertFanPage/